Sunday, April 15, 2012

My Grandmother

My Grandmother
By: Amanda Sanders King
February 2, 2012

I originally wrote this poem for my grandmother’s 80th birthday. Today, I revised that poem to pay tribute to her. I don’t think she could ever realize what an impact she had on her grandchildren. One thing that isn’t mentioned in this poem that I clearly remember about her faith was when my brother, Jeremy, was in the hospital about to be diagnosed with diabetes. That afternoon, she told my cousin, Kerre, and I to kneel on our knees and pray for him. Although God didn’t heal him from that disease, she taught us an important lesson that day. This poem is just a short account of so many fond memories that I have of a very special lady.

How we love you Grandmother.
You are unlike any other.
The way you laugh and smile,
And how you go the extra mile.
Many times you wiped away our tears
And took away all our fears.

I remember we dressed-up Barbies everyday,
Although you had more things to do than play.
The time we fell off the golf-cart
Probably wasn’t very smart.
We use to love to climb that tree
While we played Mon-Chee-Chees.

You rode with us in the back of the car
So you could color with us on travels far.
We’ve all grown up now that’s true,
But we will never, ever forget about you
You are a lady who has done so much;
Many lives you have certainly touched.

Right now we all have heavy hearts
Although we know you have done your part.
We know Jesus was in your life;
He will help to take away all of our strife.
We are so grateful to have a Grandmother
Who believed in God and none other.

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